Polymex Products

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It is a fabric-thin yarn-like technology product derived from carbonized acrylic fibers, tar and nylon, which are its main components.

Polymex P-6025 Polyurethane

Polyurethane based foam system is a specially formulated two-component system with high lifting and compression strength, which can be applied with volumetric ratio polyurethane machines, especially used in floor lifting applications and for filling purposes.

Polymex P-1025 Polyurethane

Polymex Polyurethane Injection Molding is a kind of polymer. Its products are called urethane. Polyurethane obtained from the reaction of isocionant and alcohol is used in the production of high-strength adhesives, synthetic fibers, plastics and the like. Polymex Polyurethane Injection Waterproofing products are produced from polyurethane materials.

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